21 November 2022

A new business incubator opened in Târgu Mureș


A new business incubator for young professionals and startups in the construction sector has opened in Targu Mures.


The Incubcenter business incubator opened on Thursday 17 November and represents an investment of €6.5 million.


The project developed by the owners of Multinvest Group is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020, according to a release sent to StartupCafe.ro.


The building, which has offices, common spaces, conference rooms, restaurant and underground parking, has 6 floors and 5,000 sqm and will host at least 25 startups. 


"The geographical area is very favourable for those who want to find a place to do business. The building is state-of-the-art in terms of infrastructure, fully furnished, so that a company that has submitted a business plan will be supported not only with a furnished space including a laptop, also co-financed by non-reimbursable funds, but will also be supported in business management. We will provide start-ups with all those divisions of administration, management, marketing, PR, finance, HR and legal advice that they need, so that they can focus only on developing their own companies" - says Margit Gogolák Hrubecz, co-owner of Multinvest Group.

The objective of Incubcenter Ltd. is to provide startups and young professionals in the construction sector with conditions and services for the launch, development and further support of new businesses entering the market by incubating them in the centre.


"Because a company is very fragile in the beginning, in the first 3 years of existence it is very important to have assistance, professional mentoring from those people who have experience in the construction industry. The Multinvest Group has this know-how and can guide construction companies that are just starting out" - says Gogolák Hrubecz Zsolt.




Source: https://www.startupcafe.ro/idei-antreprenori/deschidere-incubator-afaceri-targu-mures.htm


Str. Gh. Doja nr.67 Târgu Mureș, Jud. Mureș, 540354, Romania

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